Raymond McCord: Mervyn Gibson is proven wrong — there was collusion in past

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
In light of Mervyn Gibson’s comments regarding collusion being misinterpreted (March 23) I can only say he is not only wrong but proven wrong.

The British government, the chief constable and the secretary of stat in 2007 accepted collusion in the Police Ombudsman NI report into my son Raymond’s murder.

No misinterpretation. Collusion with terrorists by the RUC/PSNI has resulted in many murders and many missed opportunities to arrest terrorists.

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Mervyn Gibson on his own admission has shared a platform with terrorists whose organisations are illegal and are still murdering people in their own community.

Maybe if he is calling for his former colleagues in the PSNI to use the full force of the law to go after these killers and drug dealers his words will be taken more seriously.

Maybe if he is calling for his former colleagues in the PSNI to use the full force of the law to go after these killers and drug dealers his words will be taken more seriously.

I also voted against the Good Friday Agreement, but my reason was that the prisoners should not be released.

Raymond McCord, Victims campaigner North Belfast